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Future Scope Comics and Entertainment is doing a huge push to be a solid, concrete force within the overall comic book, novel and Entertainment world (and more…). And, that will include, the online comic book sales world as well, as Futurescope Comics and entertainment will have an exclusive web site completely dedicated to its own Futurescope Comic and Entertainment World.

The first product what will be launch will be our...

"FS Showcase: Street Journal: The Prelude: Anthology and other Comic Book Tales."

That is correct! This well received and highly anticipated will feature the Prelude to the Independent sensation, street journal. This will give you the inside scoop on what led up to the first, groundbreaking issue. It will answer the question, what exactly happened in Tyreke’s life that set up the chain of events of Tyreke’s life and present journal entries. We can’t let the cat out the bag by answering that question just yet. What we do know is the answer will shake you to your core and its all in this Anthology book.

Also, in this anthology, we give you a look into an EPIC BATTLE between Celestine and an evil arch nemesis Daemon, Temple. This story comes right out of the book of Sphriumand introduces you to FutureScopes’ exciting and deadly huntress for good, Celestine. Believe me, you want to catch this battle!

Plus, it includes an edge of your seat, nail biting tale, where heavy Wight champion, Ray “The Miracle Kid,” Ruiz goes head to head with old red eyes himself, the Devil. And this is for Ray “The Miracle Kid’s,” very soul.


Also, there will be, AVAILABLE ON LINE FOR SALE, a lineup of one-shot stories, falling behind various genres, each story linking a character from the previous one to its next, threading a specific narrative line through each, a narrative line that will be specific to their specific genre.

The first will be a horror story,"3 CARD SKULLY," staring one of

Future scopes Comics own, “Skully.” This is a skeleton who,among many jobs is called on to pay one Mobster/thief a visit he will never forget; with the intention to take a rather disturbing trinket with him at the end of the exchange, unless the mobster finds a way to avoid skull evil, bony clutches.

Each one shot will also have extra features in it, script analysis, various artwork, some including mainstreamed names, character intros from other series and introductions of characters for future stories as well, along with a host of great stuff and goodies...

Also, online will be various coupons vouchers and sales incentives that can either be used online or handed in at various comic shows we will be attending, as well as cool online games and trivia.

And much much more…

So, look out for our upcoming online store and…as we say here…

Welcome to the world of Future scope Comics and Entertainment; Where imagination and adventure lives!

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