FUTURESCOPE COMICS is nearly through with completing promise to be an independent gem!

UPDATE: FUTURESCOPE COMICS is nearly through with completing what they promise to be the independent comic event of the year, introducing:
FS Showcase: Versus book-Vol #1: Bloodlust Vs. Zion 3: Bloodlines!
More than 70 Percent complete…
Future Scope Comics and Entertainment is on the verge of completing their first, FULL COMIC BOOK, ACTION TITLE, derived from their FS Showcase Comics line entitled:
FS Showcase: Vs. book-Vol #1: Bloodlust Verse Zion 3: Bloodlines!
So lets get you up to date...

Within the Independent Comics world, there has been quite a buzz about this particular title and its main villain, Bloodlust. This is primarily due to the Art of one Dody Eke, (his works include FS Showcase: The Devil and The Miracle kid and various other promotional art for Future Scope Comics). This vicious assassin for hire has a bucket load of hurt in store for any “would be Good Guys” who happen to charge headlong into his path. In this upcoming release, that means none other than 3 mystical weapon wielding fighters, “Zion 3”, whom, is given the deadly task to take this psychopath out!
Just into the final production stages, we are literally 19 pages in with only 6 more to go until completion and, from the get, its nonstop action!
In one part, Bloodlust is ripping through one of the Zion 3 characters, Lady Havoc, delivering a slew of full punches to the center and base of her spine!
“I AM WAR” He declared with a sinister glee, draped with a sheer rage bordering pure, devious madness! The action is intense, and, despite his behaviors, our super beings must fight on, and quell the rage of this hired killer in order to deliver their own brand of justice down up his head!
Sure, It is an ambitious task to say the least to create such a comic book, to even attempts to create our own line of Super Beings and Classic Villains in light of such timeless, iconic characters spawned from the big three (ok, it’s a play on words! You got me), such as Marvels Spiderman, Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America etc..or DC’s Batman, Superman(the first recorded comic, Super being (can’t say the H word) or a villain like Joker. Granted, is a lofty task, but it is one FutureScope Comics is more than ready to take on.

The big three has solidified themselves as setting the bar for such family entertainment, creating the templet for what we know as THE COMIC BOOK WORLD, but that doesn't stop the thrill seeking, action pack minds of the FutureScope Comics and Entertainment’s vast imagination and storytelling. And we are doing it Furutrescope style, with characters that are all their own and Villains (beginning with our lynch-pin villian, Bloodlust) that, we believe will fall on par with the very best!
Just from these few images here, we can give you just a tease of the action to come!

ALSO: For a sneak peek at the first few pages of the actual script, please click link below.