Jonathan Syphax Comics is about to release their new, anthology title, “FS (Futurescope) Showcase: Celestine: And other Stories is slated for re- release in the Winter of 2018.
"Celestine" First up:
This is a eight-page story spotlighting our female Heroine, “Celestine.” Celestine is the direct descendant of one of the original three Council members, whom all consisted of women. The daughter of Verus, she is bred to be the primary assassin in “The Council’s army.” And she's taking her bounty in blood! High action and sharp character development, this book is sure to be worth the purchase.
Up Next: "Street Journal: The Lead up!"
This story has always been a fan favorite within the independent circuit and the MAS(MASMeansMore)-FutureScope ranks, but the question is, what lead up to the first issue? Well, here you get your opportunity to find out, as we give you a upfront look at what exactly happened before the story arch began. Trust me on this, you will be floored by the answer!
Last but certainly not least: Zion 3: Origins