Company Manifest: What I Promise to You
My mission is to create stories that greatly entertain, while touching the hearts of every reader.
IT ALL BEGINS THERE! I was always born with a creator's heart, like a scream waiting to channel out. I would ask the WHY of things when everyone else ask the what? This is why we are here, not only to entertain, but to touch the hearts of everyone who read the pages of our work or see our products and to give you excellence, an experience one can not get any other place (in FutureScope Comics and Entertainment style), otherwise, what's the use? That is the purpose behind what we do, and if that creates change, then it's plus! But If you have been moved by what we do, then we've done our job!!!

I am always looking in on the world, I guess you can sy I am a bit of a literally vouier. I see the world, try to fight the heartbeat of each joy, each pain, each loos, gain and triumph, In that, I search for a story, not the surface stuff but what is truly underneath, what cries out and says, "I an dead, hidden, give me life...let me live and breath." The rest, well, that's just simply adding what I know of me."