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Welcome to the world of imagination. This is Syphax Entertainment and Comics.

And this is BLOODLUST, our creator woned,  Top Drw Villian, our joker,  if you will of our independnt Comic domaine.  

Below,  we will give you a quick overview of this character and introduce you to him and his powers, so you are familiarized with him upon his explosive, epic independent comic debuted!




Birth name : ” Batiste (Tribal name: Unknown)      


Birth name

Language: English, France, German and some           : Urambi & Sasi “Leli” Batu

Language: English, France, German and some


Operative Name:  Bloodlust                                                          Age: unknown                                                                           dialects of Spanish

Date of Birth: Unknown but believed to have born

Somewhere in the 1800s, specifically 1850-1860s

 Nationality: African American

 weight   : Solid 189lbs

Birthplace       :  His birth place has been traced back to Mali, a province resting along Africa’s Ivory Coast, although he is believed to have a lineage dating back as far as the French settlers(1688),  but due to the intense secrecy of the tribe,  very few,  if any customs of the tribe has been recorded,  so no one could be sure.

History: classified

Powers: First he is nearly indestructable! He can be hurt,  but, since he is able to not only draw strenght and invunerablity from actual pain,  he can also covert that pain into actual physical power,  including hightened speed, thinking which greatly works in tactical cobat,  sense of smell,  touch and sight, vitually effecting all senses simulataiously. He can also energize various forms of strikes, as well as being versed in every type of combat,  martual arts, boxing, and a experly flawless tacnitiona in all combat training, as well as gureilla warfare and envirmental conscelment! He is the ultimate killig,  combat machine!!!


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